Wednesday, June 5, 2013

500 (plus more) Pageviews!

Hi! Sorry I haven't updated (again) in a while. Just wanted to celebrate 500+ pageveiws! Thanks to everyone who viewed my blog, and come back soon for more funny posts! :D

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bacon 2

This picture is also hilarious. Once again, the bacon trend is over, but I still crack up at this stuff! :D

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jon Cozart = AWESOME!!! :D

I am addicted to Jon Cozart (aka PAINT) on Youtube right now. He makes these hilarious videos about, well, stuff. This one is my favorite one by him because I also happen to love Harry Potter. Check out his channel for more of his videos:

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I know the bacon trend is over, but this is still pretty funny!

PS- Sorry about not posting in so long. I've been a bit busy.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Google+ Page for LOL Posts

I created a Google+ page for LOL Posts so people can receive a stream of my posts. Check it out by following the link above!

Teenager Post 7

Even when I am old, I'm still going to be a trickster! :D